DJ Format – European Vacation (2006)

Posted by HHB Admin on October 21, 2007 – 6:00 am

DJ Format from Brighton, UK. Famous for his mixtapes and great taste in music. This is last year’s mix CD which, as he says on the cover, consists of samples and sounds from records he’s found and bought while travelling around the mainland. The idea reminded me of Oh No’s Oxperiment, but this is one seamless mix of 65 minutes that has me bobbing my head all the way through. Fonky as a mufucka. Great work.

DJ Format – European Vacation (2006) 256 kbps
part 1 // part 2

Split archive. cos quality is worth the wait 😉

(Rapidshare has this option of configuring files as direct downloads, i.e. without the fussy bit of punching in letters and waiting, etc. I’ve done that on my part2 files for as long as my trial credit allowed me to. Now that the credit’s used up, it’s back to the little delay. Oh well…)


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  1. 1. What It Is Said:

    Looking forward to checking this out. Good lookin!

  2. 2. yusuf Said:

    can you put up a playlist of the DJ FORMAT on the blog?

    and also i was wondering, on a side note, if you guys were considering, via the account settings, of changing the lay-out of the website….perhaps you can remove the dots at the top and change a few colors…..more black/darkness….etc….and perhaps a little more simplicity…..not complaining just suggesting…..peace….

  3. 3. santoscrew Said:

    its too bad that this one isnt divided in tracks, but other then that theres really nothing to com… thanks for this one

  4. 4. Leave Your Nine At Home Said:

    As for the tracklist. There is none. It’s not my fault, it was just one track on the CD as well. If you happen to recognize all the elements and tracks he used, feel free to post them here. 😉

  5. 5. Seven Leaf Said:

    ^^^ What I said there was retarded.

    But anyways, I’m really looking forward to listening to this. You’ve always got all these deep underground gems. Cheers

  6. 6. Funky Said:

    I just found this site. Thanx for all the work you guys are doing in digitalizing those files. I have myself no time at all to do this with my personal stuff…
    Anyway, is it possible that the PART 2 from DJ Format doesn’t contain anything when expanding the rar-file? It does merge automatically with part 1 to make 1 big file? Sorry if it’s a basic question, but I’ve never seen this before…

  7. 7. What It Is Said:

    @funky : it happens magically when the elves in your computer merge the files. it’s all automatic.

  8. 8. Said:

    hmmmm i likes to hear new shit

  9. 9. Leave Your Nine At Home Said:

    @funky. It does in fact merge automatically, if you have both files fully downloaded, if you have WinRar (or Rar) installed and if you extract one of the two. The safest way is extract part1 and it will automatically find the other part that belongs to it to produce the folder with the full audio file in it. Nice trick, huh? 😉

  10. 10. toby Said:

    thanks for this just found your blog and will be back keep up the hard work cos its appreciated here

  11. 11. Funky Said:

    Thanx for the enlightment on this elves wonder 😉
    If you liked this DJ Format mix, be sure not to miss the AFTER HOURS “Sith Eleptical Gems” mixtapes available for download now through the podcast. Dope stuff !!

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