Frequency Activism – Hip Hop In Strange Places 2008
Frequency Activism consist’s of 3 emcees and a jazz singer, including Mista Mayday (ex-Demigodz) and Hired Gun of 3rd Party/Say Word. Out of all the emails we get to upload or give promo to artists joints, I think this is one of the better ones sent over to the hhb email, A mix of live instrumentation and sample based productions.
2-Still Maintaining.
3-Strange Places.
4-Live Right.
5-Nine Times Out of Ten
6-Grief (Love and War).
7-Life is Hectic.
8-Alert the Crew.
9-Community Theatre.
10-Measure Theory.
11-The Time is Now.
12-Strange Places Interlude.
14-Move Fast.
15-Frequency Activism.
16-Krew Kut ’05.
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