9th Wonder – Zion III (2018)

Posted by Fats on December 22, 2018 – 5:59 am

01. ForLoveSoul
02. ItsMeSoul
03. ForFanSoul
04. CantStopBoogie
05. SuperFamFunk
06. To Jersey feat. Swank & King Draft
07. DramaBoogie
08. PeanutButterSoul
09. TakeItBackSoul
10. 3rdChildhoodBoogie
11. WalkWithMeFunk
12. So Familiar feat. Swank & King Draft
13. ManyChangesSoul
14. CoastinSoul
15. JustusUsSoul
16. KillerFunk
17. ThatThumpJam
18. RightTouchJam
19. Whole Life feat. Swank & King Draft
20. BonBonSoul
21. CrushinYallVillas
20. OhItsYouBabe
23. WestSideSoul
24. WhyWhySoul
25. Lonely Nights feat. Swank & King Draft
26. LetGoooooo
27. GladAboutIt
28. BestForGawwwwwd
29. OurFatherrrrrrr
30. MissYouDearGirl
31. ThroughYourSoul
32. WontPreteeeend
33. ToBeChopSoul
34. ItsFinallyJam
35. ISawSomebodyToday
36. ThatUsSoul
37. SuperChopFunk
38. DoAnyThing
39. Blaxploitation
40. AllYouveGot
41. Signs feat. Swank & King Draft
42. JustBegunSoul


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