SLARD – B​.​O​.​A​.​W​.​S (2017)

Posted by freaky on August 6, 2017 – 4:40 am

1. Fuck You (produced by TechOne) 03:42
2. The People (produced by Chrisu) 03:08
3. Burning Up (ryan broadley) 01:50
4. Bonnie & Clyde 02:48
5. Only Time ft Nephilim (produced by Dseize) 02:40
6. CNW (produced by knucklehed) 02:58
7. Dancing With Addiction ft The Khameleon & Elliot Bird 03:54
8. Lost In Bradslation (produced by Alex Rennie) 04:18
9. B.O.A.W.S (Cuts By Jabbathakut – beat by Don Mooch) 02:43

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