CM Jones (Creestal + MoShadee) – Perfect Hand Off (2013)
01. Intro
02. Neva Lost
03. Makin It Raw
04. What You Feelin
05. So Long
06. On The Way
07. Just A Lil Bigger
08. Word Is Bond (feat. Nemo Achida)
09. Da Luv
10. One Time
11. Our World
12. NJ Nigga
13.Live Forever
14. Rock On
15. Say Likewise
16. On The Real
17. Fire Baby
18. Goodbye To The Struggle (feat. Theo Martins)
19. Perfect Hand Off (Outro)
One producer from Marseille, one artist from New Jersey, coming together to bring genuine music you have no choice but to vibe to. Creestal and MoShadee are CM JONES. “Doing what we feel.” “Only if it feels right” is a motto the duo stand by. Spreading good vibes, dope sounds, and real love. Jersey to Mars(eille). A physical “face to face” meeting didn’t take place during their first interaction with each other. Creestal, the producer, lives in Marseilles. MoShadee, the rapper, lives in New Jersey. They didn’t meet before starting to work together but, after a while, the distance became the driving force of the group. They joined forces and shaped their own identity. And, the fact of the matter is, those two know they couldn’t have dreamed a better union. CM Jones supports the idea that Hip-Hop is mostly made of alchemy and personality, a basic premise that Hip Hop has forgotten for several years. Competition and casting of producers has beaten over the plain idea of just being a group. How can you imagine Gangstarr if Guru or Premier wasn’t there? De la Soul without the support of Prince Paul? Wu-Tang without RZA? CM Jones encourages this spirit and cohesion, where it is not just about putting words on music but, more so to become one, for the words to embody the music. The whole album is designed for the voice of the MC. CM Jones proceeds on bringing forward the sampling culture and in the same time, renovating it. The group uses the past and the present to make their music and giving it a timeless taste. It’s fresh and smells of good nature. A requiring and federative rap, without fioritura!
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