Title [We All We Gott ]
Artist [Gunslinguz ]
Label [n/a ]
Genre [Hip-Hop ]
Quality/Size [44.1 @192 84,2 MB]
Ripped [Apr-04-2004 ]
Grabbed with [Ez-CDDA ]
Enc [LAME ]
Grabbed from [CDDA ]
Retail [000-00-0000 ]
Track Time Title
01 04:45 we all we got
02 04:40 why you wanna test my skills
03 04:37 who da enemy
04 04:40 the killa is comen
05 01:52 money and love
06 04:14 killas comen atcha
07 04:36 protect yourself
08 03:31 dreams
09 06:33 one mississippi
10 01:48 big g
11 02:58 bigg black boots
12 04:02 lady in my life
13 04:39 durdee mack 4 life
14 04:40 ready to die
15 03:38 gs equipped
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