The Scale Breakers – Leftovers (2010)
This fall, along with browning autumn leaves and a drop in the temperature comes a humble offering that will no-doubt warm you . September 3rd, 2010, The Scale Breakers are set to release ‘Leftovers’, the prequel serving to their studio album ‘FOOOOD’, a meal due to be served early 2011.
This record is the culmination of both technique and precise measurement. Both Sub & Guy have raided the pantry to get this project cooked up fresh, just in time for the Canadian tour planned under the same name. ‘Leftovers’ was originally intended to be a mixtape, just a few tasty hors-deovres to fill the bellies of hungry SB fans nationwide until the release of the studio album. Unfortunately plans changed after comments regarding early orders were coming back so positive, so instead it was agreed upon ‘Leftovers’ would be more than a sample, giving ample time for 2011’s masterpiece to thaw out…
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