WILDCHILD – Time Travel (1997 to 2005, got it ?)

Posted by HHB Admin on January 24, 2008 – 2:07 am

given as a gift, that is a rare mix cd done by Destro featuring Wildchild…no tracklist..i see doubles

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  1. 1. eskimo Said:

    Here is a tracklist, but with 19 tracks….


  2. 2. eskimo Said:


    2nd Tracklist, also 19 Tracks….Your upload seems to be splitted wrong or has some missing tracks….

    Anyway props for this….


  3. 3. MTLRS Said:

    16 separated tracks on the cd-r…
    and i dunno what is this cover for real.
    Mine didn’t have any…but it cames direcly from him. Not a crooks.
    We were like 40 @ his show last night huh.

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