Big John – The Author (2007)

Posted by HHB Admin on September 19, 2007 – 8:30 am
There really isnt much info on this guy. You should be able to tell just from some of the titles and featuring cast what type of music to expect. With tracks like “Prophets Of Doom” feat. Mr. Hyde and “Anatomy Of A Horror” Flick feat. Esoteric you should expect that horror-core style. Ive never been big on this brand of Hip-Hop myself. The CD isnt bad, if you like the style Necro and company have made famous. Give it a listen and form your own opinion. I know a few people have been asking for this, so i put it up. I prefer the more mellow, thought provoking, mental Hip-Hop but this is sure good to listen to when your pissed off or working out. However, i just pop in a violent metal CD for those moments. Either way, here it is…Not much to say about this until i give it more of a listen but im in no hurry.
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